MCL™ Technology

MCL Filler™

Rheosyal is manufactured with world-class MCL™ technology.MCL™ technology consists of three main technologies: MBMT, DMCT, and MDAP.


Micro Bead Monophasic Technology

Mono-Phasic filler manufacture by aggregating Micro-Bead Free Viscoelasticity adjustment based on purpose of use


Divinyl sulfone Multi-Crosslink Technology

Full bridge with Multi Cross-link using DVS Excellent viscoelasticity and molding power


Multiple Degree Amphiphilic Purification

Manufacture pure and safe products with multi-stage refining technology

Manufacturing Method and Quality Characteristic of MCL™ fillers

Four Advantages of MCL™ fillers

Rheosyal is manufactured with world-class MCL™ technology. MCL™ technology consists of three main technologies: MBMT, DMCT, and MDAP.


Created by Bioplus’ Patent Technology

High-Quality FILLER

Recognized First by the world

Perfect-Safe FILLER

to fundamentally block side effects

Expensive FILLER

High-Class Premium

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